It’s back-to-school time for many, and this year, I’m going, too! I’m excited (and nervous) to be starting the process this week toward a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation degree, so it’s one of the top things on my mind as I’m writing for you today.
So many different factors, people, and promptings from the Lord have played a part in my decision to take this step, and I still feel at a bit of a loss for words with all of it. But Emily P. Freeman actually put beautiful words to her similar decision a couple of years ago, and the blog post she wrote about it then still resonates with me now.
I relate so much with the feelings and sentiments Emily shared, and I especially appreciate how she exchanged one simple word in a common phrase to completely shift my perspective.
Emily didn’t say she was going back to school. Rather, she made a point to articulate she was going forward to school
She asserts, “Going back sounds like I missed something the first time around, so I have to go back and find my way again.”
“Instead, I think of it as going forward.”
Going forward definitely feels more fitting for me, too.
Honestly, I think if I only had one word to describe the last six years of my life it would have to be transition. Change, loss, new seasons, growth, and questions have all been abundant in these transitions, but going forward to school feels like the next right step in my walk with God.
There’s not much else I know about what the next season will look like right now, but I keep being reminded there’s not much else I need to know. It felt so timely for me to come across this quote from Kelly Minter’s new Bible study on the life of Joseph:
How true. I simply want to see Him and follow Him. And that is enough.
I’m praying these words can be encouraging to you wherever you’re finding yourself right now, too. “Forward-to-school” time, whether for students, family members, or just anyone seeing all the school supplies lining the aisles, has a way of turning our minds toward new seasons with all their unknowns and adventures. So I’d love to join together with you in prayer if you’d like.
We ask for Your grace as we go forward into new seasons. Whether starting school, sending little ones (or not so little ones) off to their next steps, or taking our own, however those may look, we pray You would steady our hearts as we walk with You. When we don’t know the way ahead, remind us that You are the path. And when we stay close to You, we can’t miss our callings. You whisper behind us, “This is the way; walk in it.” So we pray You would let us hear and trust Your voice.
And Lord, when we want to figure it all out and make sure we have provision for ourselves for the entire journey ahead, keep reminding us that You give us daily bread–that You are our daily bread. Help us to hunger and thirst for You, knowing You are always faithful to fill us. And You are enough, more than enough–the all-sufficient One. So we give You thanks once more.
In the name of Jesus,
P.S. As I’m going forward to school, I have a feeling that I’ll need to make some changes to how often I post here as well. But I definitely still want to keep up the habit of looking for and sharing treasures God keeps providing! I’m thinking I will try to send some “Treasure Hunt Tuesday” emails rather than full blog posts each week, so if you’d like to receive those, please sign up in the “Let’s stay in touch” box below.
As always, I’d love to hear from you, too! Are you stepping into a new season of any kind? What thoughts and feelings are you noticing as you go forward? How have you seen God providing for you? Or where would you like extra prayer? Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message anytime.
~ Ruth
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