It’s Vacation Bible School week at church, and every time it comes around I can’t help but think of special memories. I always loved participating in VBS growing up, from the fun new songs each year to the crafts, snacks, lessons, and memory verse challenges.
But probably my most vivid memories from attending VBS came from one teacher in particular during my junior high years. By that time in life, our family had transitioned churches (and when you’re the preacher’s kid, you don’t have much choice about going or staying), but I was able to go back to our previous church for Bible School week each summer.
I especially remember one of the older ladies who always seemed to have so much fun (while maybe looking a little crazy) doing the actions for all the songs to the extreme. And she was probably the biggest hugger I knew, which definitely drew attention. But she was also the teacher for our junior high class, and somehow her over-the-top personality mixed with a genuineness of heart came together to provide exactly what I needed in that season of adolescence. I will always fondly remember her love and encouragement (as well as the permission to be a little crazy!) at a time I needed it more than she could have known.
So every year at VBS time I think of that special lady who now I’m sure is dancing and having a blast in heaven, and my heart is stirred in wanting to be that kind of encourager for someone else. More than any of the inpidual Bible lessons from those years, I learned so much of the love, joy, and grace of Christ from her smiles, laughs, and encouraging words. I never want to forget, and I pray those qualities can become contagious in my life, too.
Another reason I’m especially thinking of the importance of being that kind of encourager is that I’ve also been looking through all my pictures from the past 20-plus years over the last few weeks for another project. The images that have captured my heart the most have been from past children’s programs–from VBS, Christmas, Easter, and more.
I don’t really want to mention how old it makes me feel to see those children who were so young (and adorable!) in the pictures now graduating, getting married, and even having children of their own already. But it does make me want to remember the urgency of encouraging, loving, and teaching while we have the prime opportunities. We never know when a kind word, smile, laugh, or hug will make a bigger difference than we can imagine, but I don’t want to miss the chances God brings my way to help build up foundational encouragement for young people when they are most receptive to it.
So when I’m singing and laughing and maybe even mixing up the hand motions for our songs at VBS, I’m also praying these precious children can take in the truth of God’s love so personally–through the lessons, yes, but also through our hearts. May they see glimpses of Jesus in all of us…
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)
I’d love for you to join in the discussion, too! Were you able to attend Vacation Bible School or anything similar as a child? If so, what stands out in your memories? Is there a particular activity, message, or person that comes to your mind? Who are some young people in your life that you can encourage? What might you do this week to show God’s love to them? Always feel free to leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
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