This past week I’ve been grateful for treasures of additional celebrations with friends for graduations (see last week’s post for more about blessings with people), a family reunion over the weekend, and time to pause and give thanks for those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. May we always remember…
Here are a few other goodies I’ve read or listened to recently that I hope can be encouraging to you as well:
** I appreciated this Memorial Day post by Jennifer Dukes Lee on Six Ways to Find Peace in a Hectic World. She provides simple action steps that can be immediately helpful and also reminds us, “The only way we’ll find true peace is when we look to Jesus.”
** I’ve also been catching up on a few episodes of the One Life Church podcast lately and especially enjoyed their recent interview with Joey Davenport on episode 33. (You can watch it with this link, or catch the audio on your favorite podcast app.) He lives in the Henderson, KY, area and shares the story behind his “Live ON Purpose” movement where he sends brief encouraging text/social media messages every day to over 20,000 people.
The entire episode is filled with great nuggets of wisdom, from being intentional in relationships to remembering the importance of practicing the basics. He also shared how one of his college basketball coaches gave him the exhortation, “Don’t let anybody speed you up,” and how that message has stuck with him beyond sports and into the important things of life as well. And he connected it to his motivational statement from this past April 29th, too: “The best way to avoid most of the bumps in the road of life is to slow down… Live ON Purpose! +1” (You’ll also learn the meaning of +1 if you listen to the interview!)
** Another podcast episode I can’t help but share is the interview from Annie F. Downs with Louie Giglio on her That Sounds Fun podcast. Louie recounts several stories from the history of the Passion conferences and movement throughout the years and continually drives home the message of perseverance. He said, “Fainting and giving up will be our Achilles heel,” and that “sometimes we bail before the phone rings” rather than waiting in trust on God’s provision. He reminds us, “Hardship does not equal God’s not in it,” and encourages us to keep seeking the Lord without giving up. I definitely want to keep coming back to those reminders and hope his stories can help strengthen your faith as well.
I’ve also appreciated Annie’s recent episodes with Anne Bogel (Modern Mrs. Darcy), Margaret Feinberg, and Andrew Osenga (talking about transitions, graduates, and a bit about his podcast The Pivot–so now I’ve enjoyed a couple episodes of that one, too!)
** Going through old pictures this past week for an upcoming project also has my mind circling back to the common theme of seasons and transitions. A song I remember from about three and a half years ago (because I wrote a blog post about it!) somehow came back to my heart this week, and the lyrics to the last verse and chorus resonate afresh with me today:
“There is a strength that rises up in me
To know that You’ve been here before me
A strength beyond what I can see
Jesus, Your love
Jesus, Your love
So let my heart tell You again
When seasons change and stories end
Your steady love
It will sustain me through it all
Jesus, Your love”
~ Kristene DiMarco, Jesus, Your Love (click here to listen)
I’d always love to hear from you, too! What treasures have you been finding lately? Or what encourages your heart when seasons change and stories end? Feel free to share any prayer requests as well. You can leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
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