After getting back from vacation last week, for this week’s “Treasure Hunt Tuesday,” I’m sharing some favorite blessings I’ve come across online recently. I always love it when people I enjoy following on social media share resources from others, so I’m hoping you can find blessings for yourself among these as well…
** First of all, I saw Matt Redman share on Instagram this past week about Phil Wickham’s new album, Singalong 4 (Live), and I’ve had it on repeat pretty much ever since. It’s been a long time since I’ve just listened to a whole album through multiple times in this age of Spotify playlists and skipping around to exactly what I want to hear, but this has been a timely gift for my soul. Most of the songs are familiar, but I love the way they are arranged and flow together in unified worship. It’s just what my heart has been needing to hear over and over. I’m not sure I can really even pick a favorite portion, but I especially love the way he goes from Tremble into What a Beautiful Name, and then into Forever (We Sing Hallelujah).
** Another social media share from this week was from John Mark Comer’s Instagram stories. He mentioned that there was a fascinating interview with Jim Collins (author of Good to Great, among other books) on the Tim Ferriss Show podcast, so I had to check it out. Much of the conversation is in the business or creative realm, but the concepts are applicable to all walks of life. In addition to many other topics, Jim shares about how he keeps track of his time, some interesting thoughts on sleep patterns and strategies, and how he studies himself like a bug.
Even though Tim’s podcast is a popular one, it was a first listen for me and outside my usual box but well worth it. I will probably be scrolling through and checking out more episodes soon. I’d always love to hear your recommendations, too!
** Back to John Mark Comer, his sermon series on stages of apprenticeship to Jesus has been hitting me in a timely season of life, too. I especially appreciated his message on The Critical Journey from a little over a week ago, which you can find on the Bridgetown Church podcast.
He shared this simplified diagram, and you can read a bit more on his Instagram post as well.
** Another podcast episode that hit home with me recently was from Emily P. Freeman’s The Next Right Thing called “Don’t Take Offense.” The most compelling line that stood out to me was, “Don’t allow someone else’s dysfunction to poke yours awake.” Could that be a sign I still need to work on this concept in my life a bit more??
But I also appreciate how she brings us back to Colossians 3:3, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (NIV)
(P.S. If you prefer reading to listening, you can find Emily’s post in blog format here.)
** Finally, I can’t help but share one more song. Even though this one has been around for quite a while and close to my heart from the first time I heard and played it years ago, it was brought back at the forefront of my mind this week. After singing it for Sunday worship, the words came back to me in prayer Monday afternoon as well. I was pouring my heart out to the Lord in my prayer journal about a couple of matters that were discouraging to me at the moment but also asking Him to help me fully trust Him more. I wrote, “What does that look like here?”
After a brief pause, these lyrics came quickly to my mind and heart,
“All these pieces
Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered
Mended and whole…”
I wrote them all down in my journal, letting the reminders speak to my soul afresh. Maybe they can be encouraging to you, too…
Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) by Hillsong Worship
“You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart, Lord
I’ll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your life in me.”
I’m so grateful for the love of Jesus, laying down His life, broken to make us whole, dying so we might live in Him. What amazing grace indeed.
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him…”
~Romans 6:8 (HCSB)
I’d love to hear about any treasures you’ve been finding lately, too! Feel free to leave a comment, or send me a message on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook anytime.
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