I don’t know about you, but the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Even when filled with lots of blessings and good things, the accumulation can be exhausting, and we have to be intentional about holding space for rest. But sometimes it can feel hard to come by or not quite enough. This week also ushered in Daylight Saving Time for most of us, and as much as I’m thrilled to have more light in the evenings now, the clouds and dreariness of winter seem to keep hanging on or coming back in many ways, too.
One of the treasures I’ve been digging into this past week has been a sneak peak of Emily P. Freeman’s upcoming new book, The Next Right Thing. I’ve only had time to get through a few chapters so far, but one of my favorite things about the book is how she ends each short chapter with a brief prayer. I love that about her writing. As I think back, it’s probably one of the reasons I’ve felt so much connection to her as a writer (and now podcaster) over the years. Somehow entering into prayer with someone else before God, even if it’s through typewritten words, can bring a sweet peace and encouragement to my soul.
So today if you would like, I’d love to enter into the treasure of prayer with you. Maybe you can relate with feeling weary, or maybe you could just use a bit of a pause in your day to rest in the Lord. Wherever you find yourself, may these petitions before God help you draw near to Him and remind you of His truth and love.
Father, be near to our weary hearts. We long for the lightness of spring and rejoice at the hints of its coming, but if we’re honest–sometimes the hints feel more like teasers, and we wonder if winter will ever end. Will You remind us how You make everything beautiful in its time–in Your time? Thank You that Your ways and timing truly are perfect.
And Lord, as our eyes look toward spring, don’t let us rush past the lessons and grace of winter. Remind us that seasons of barrenness, cold, and waiting are often necessary to bring forth new life. Thank You for how You make all things new.
Help us to cease striving and know You are God. Who of us by worrying can add one hour to this life? But as we trust in You we find real life, abundant life. You withhold no good thing from us. You work all things together for good. You are close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit. So we draw near to You, secure in knowing You’re drawing near to us.
Thank You for being our Good Shepherd. You make us lie down in green pastures and lead us by still waters to restore our souls. You carry us close to Your heart, safe in Your arms. You remind us Your sheep know Your voice. So help us to listen to You and rest in You. Quiet us with Your love as You rejoice over us with singing.
Then let our hearts turn and sing to You and not be silent. For Your are good, and Your love endures forever. Thank You for Your amazing love, poured out for us in Your Son Jesus, in whose name we pray…
Amen and amen.
** Scripture references: Ecclesiastes 3:11, Revelation 21:5, Psalm 46:10, Luke 12:25, John 10:10, Psalm 84:11, Romans 8:28, Psalm 34:18, James 4:8, John 10:11, 14, Psalm 23:2-3, Isaiah 40:11, John 10:27, Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 30:12, Psalm 136, Romans 5:8
** I was able to get an advanced digital copy of Emily P. Freeman’s new book The Next Right Thing as part of her book launch team. It officially releases April 2nd, but she is offering tons of free bonuses if you preorder before then, so it’s worth checking out here if you’re interested. I love how Emily, in her writing as well as her podcast, always seeks to help “create space for your soul to breathe so you can discern your next right thing in love.”
** If your heart is stirred toward praying for your city or community (or if you’d like it to be!), you might also want to check out the Awaken Nashville episode of the That Sounds Fun podcast with Annie F. Downs. She talks with pastors Dave Clayton and Kevin Queen from Nashville, who helped lead a city-wide month of prayer and fasting for every person in the city. It’s awesome to hear their heart for prayer and how God is leading them, and they give lots of practical suggestions for anyone wanting to start joining together in prayer with and for others.
I’d love to pray more specifically for you this week, too. Please feel free to comment or send me a direct message if you have a request. And as always, I’d love it if you would share any treasures God has been showing you lately as well!
Unknown says
This week's lesson and prayer blends beautifully with where my heart has been. I just finished a study on Psalm 23 and now I am pondering Sabbath and the need for rest to bring rhythm in our lives. In music it is the rest or the break that gives a piece rhythm and interest. So too with resting by still waters.
Andrea says
During this season of Lent I'm trying to take more time to pause, be still and just listen. It seems the chaos of life can be overwhelming and I'm making a bigger effort to spend more time in prayer to hopefully quiet some of this. Hopefully more peace and reassurance will follow.
Ruth H says
Thank you for sharing! I love this reminder about the breaks in music, too 🙂
Ruth H says
I love hearing how you're taking time for stillness and listening in this season, Andrea. I can definitely relate to those overwhelming feelings amidst all the chaos, but I will pray you can hear God's gentle whisper to your heart as you pause to quiet yourself in His presence more and more. Thanks for sharing! 🙂