This past weekend I was blessed to be able to attend a night of stories and songs with Andrew Peterson and Sally Lloyd-Jones on their “Lost in Wonder” tour. I love Andrew’s music and the depth of storytelling he brings to his songs, and I was curious to see the role Sally would play as an author of children’s books and most notably of The Jesus Storybook Bible.
The stories, images, and songs for the evening all flowed together beautifully. Interwoven between personal tales both artists shared from their lives, Sally also read portions she had written in The Jesus Storybook Bible. She was very intentional in pointing out that every story is really God’s story, and each one, whether from the Old Testament or New, tells the story of Jesus, too.
So call me crazy if you’d like, but over the last couple of days I’ve been reading through a few of the narratives in this children’s storybook and love how she keeps the big picture always at the forefront. As she wraps up each Old Testament story, there is always a reminder that God’s plan was still in motion… that one day God would send another Rescuer, another Prince, another Hero, another Messenger, another Lamb–His only Son. And over and over she reminds everyone who reads or listens of the “Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love” of God. What beautiful promises every child of God, young or old, needs to remember.
One of things I love most about my job is the joy of being able to lead a choir of hospice volunteers to sing for patients and other residents in long-term care facilities from time to time. We often will ask for favorite songs, and one of the top requests we get to sing is “Jesus Loves Me.” It’s such a tender and special gift to sing that song, whether with a child first beginning to learn of His unfailing love, or with an older beloved son or daughter of the King preparing to see His face in the years, months, or days ahead.
Those simple truths are often what carry us through difficult times as well. Jennie and Levi Lusko shared the story of their young daughter’s passing in an interview on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast a few months ago, and Jennie said one of the things that helped get them through was reading from a children’s Bible to their other kids. A grieving heart can only take in so much, but reading and speaking aloud the truth of God’s love, care, and provision as worded for a child can be a healing balm that is able to penetrate more deeply through the fog of intense pain. So often that child-like faith and trust in God our Father is what we really need the most.
Max Lucado has shared a bit of this thought, too. He is a much-beloved author who has written over 120 books all together, but when Carey Nieuwhof asked on his podcast if he had a favorite, his answer may have been surprising. Max said his favorite book of all the ones he has written is the children’s book, You Are Special. (It’s one of my favorites, too!) In a village where everyone would give and receive dots or stars according to what they thought of each other, a little talk with the loving Maker can be a game-changer and make all the difference. Suddenly it’s not so important what everyone else thinks.
I’m not sure about you, but I need to be reminded of that truth pretty often, too.
“Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so.”
I’d love to hear from you as well. Feel free to leave a comment with any treasures you are finding lately! Or it would be great if you would share about your favorite children’s books or songs, too!
P.S. If you’d like to hear an Andrew Peterson song inspired by not being able to get into a Neverland park in England (No adults allowed!), check it out here.
Unknown says
I love Max Lucado's children's books – especially If I Only Had a Green Nose – I wrote to him for permission to use his books in my Reading Workshops and received a most gracious response. On my first trip to Israel one of the men realized that I didn't know any of the songs they were singing on the bus – I had never heard any of them growing up. So one day he had everyone teach me the words and actions to This Little Light of Mine. At first I was a bit embarrassed and wondered if they were making fun of me. But in talking with everyone, I came to understand that they were simply sharing the joy of being child-like, sharing the truths and beauty found in these songs. They opened a whole new world to this "adult." I way overthink everything and loved this reminder of being childlike — a child of God. Thanks.
Ruth H says
I love this story! Thank you so much for sharing. What a blessing to share the childlike joy of singing and shining the light of Christ!
And how wonderful to receive a kind response from Max Lucado… he definitely seems to embody the grace he proclaims in his speaking and writing. Thanks again for your comment!