“So let my heart tell You again
When seasons change and stories end,
Your steady love,
It will sustain me through it all,
Jesus, Your love.”
– Kristene DiMarco
I think it’s safe to say I’ve never had a season of change, transition, grief, and endings like these last two years have been. My head is spinning just thinking about it. And I also have to say that I don’t think I want to have one anything close to like this ever again. Processing has been slow, difficult, heartbreaking, and still continuing. I can’t seem to get through one before another hits, and in some ways I don’t even have my bearings yet. But in the midst of it, God is teaching me, and I wanted to stop and write while it’s pressing on my heart so much.
Somehow at the moment, at what seems like the strangest time when the changes keep rolling in one on top of the other, I’m all of a sudden excited about a new season. I can’t remember the last time I said those words and really meant them, and they’re coming to me now even though still more changes are approaching, and transitions are sure to be difficult.
I’m not sure what’s even causing such a deep sense of hope and excitement to well up in me right now. Maybe it’s that God has been letting me see so many glimpses of just a few of the ways He’s been using some of the worst things to bring about some of the best things. Or maybe it’s simply a pure gift to get me through the uncertainties and difficulties I’m sure lie ahead. But I just keep coming back to this thought as He keeps showing me little tidbits of how He’s been working in the hardest trials all along– The only “why” questions I have for Him at the moment are those along the lines of, “Why don’t I trust You more?” and “Why are You so good to me?” I don’t deserve it. But He gives us more grace.
So here’s to new seasons. And here’s to trusting when the unknowns and uncertainties creep back in. More of those times are probably coming, too. But I want to keep turning my eyes and heart back to truth. These lyrics from Kristene DiMarco help me do just that. I hope they’ll do the same for you.
“There is a strength that rises up in me
To know that You’ve been here before me,
A strength beyond what I can see,
Jesus, Your love,
Jesus, Your love.
So let my heart tell You again
When seasons change and stories end,
Your steady love,
It will sustain me through it all,
Jesus, Your love.”
Jesus, Your Love by Kristene DiMarco
(view the song on YouTube here)
Also, because I know that many of my friends are experiencing times of change and transition right now, too, here are a couple of other posts that came across my path this past week while I had these thoughts on my mind as well:
Three Reasons to Embrace the Discomfort of Change, by Mike Foster
What We Miss When We Resist Change, by John Richmond
Thanks for reading! Maybe the writing bug is finally starting to come back to me, too…
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