I’ve been meaning to write this post for several months now and have decided there’s just no good way to begin it, but it’s something I feel I need to do. If you go to church with us or have talked to us much recently, it’s all just old news, but somehow I’ve not found a good way to say it to others in this age of social media.
So. . . for those of you who may not have heard, my sweetheart was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January. He took a couple of chemo treatments but soon decided it was best not to continue as they severely affected his quality of life. It has been quite a year so far to say the least, and I must say that it doesn’t matter how much advance notice you have or how much people might think you can prepare for what is ahead– none of that really helps make it any easier at all as things start to progress. It’s just plain hard and heart-wrenching to watch and to walk through with someone you love so much.
But we truly have been just taking everything one day at a time with thanksgiving for all he has still been able to enjoy. And there really is so much to thank God for every day.
As I write those words, I can’t help but wonder if even one person might read this who doesn’t really know or believe that there can be real hope and peace at a time like this. If that is you, please don’t stop reading! Everything within me wants to sit across the table from you, look you in the eyes, and say from the depth of my heart with tears in my eyes that God is real. And He is good and loving and compassionate and all-powerful. He cares for you as much as He cares for me and for my husband. He knows you by name, He formed your inmost being, and He knows every detail of your heart. His plans for you are perfect and for good. There is a true peace that this world can’t describe. And this world is not all there is. The hope of heaven is not just a wishful-thinking kind of hope. It’s a deep-down knowing and eager expectation that God will be true to His Word–
“No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
– 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV84)
So we are hanging in there, as God keeps holding us. And if you don’t know the hope and peace of Christ, I would love the chance to share with you more about it.
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 (NIV84)
Amanda says
Ruth, I'm so very sorry that you've just lost your husband. My heart broke when I read your comment. I pray you are surrounded by amazing friends and family who are supportive and that you will be able to feel God carrying you in the months ahead. Bless you, sister.