Do you ever feel like you keep having the same themes come back to you over and over? After writing about “stones of remembrance” last week (click here if you’d like to read that post), the topic has kept coming up again the past several days as well.
… Read the restTreasure Hunt Tuesday: Stones of Remembrance
How do you encourage yourself in difficult times? Or do you have a strategy for when you feel purposeless or lose your way? Those may sound like strange questions, but the feelings can happen to all of us. This past weekend I read a simple tip that I hope can be a helpful treasure for you, too.
… Read the restTreasure Hunt Tuesday: Faith Like a Child
This past weekend I was blessed to be able to attend a night of stories and songs with Andrew Peterson and Sally Lloyd-Jones on their “Lost in Wonder” tour. I love Andrew’s music and the depth of storytelling he brings to his songs, and I was curious to see the role Sally would play as an author of children’s books and most notably of The Jesus Storybook Bible.
… Read the restTreasure Hunt Tuesday: The Center of God’s Kindness
Last week I was listening to a podcast episode when one line stopped me in my tracks. Annie F. Downs was in the middle of a conversation with Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke, and they had begun to talk about contentment in different seasons of life.
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